The Special
Demonstration Squad (SDS) was a Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) covert unit
based in Special Branch at New Scotland Yard. I was Policing Director for
London for 8 years and at no point during that time was I ever made aware of
the existence of this SDS unit. The unit was disbanded in 2008.
This fact may or may not matter a great deal one way or the other, however the larger and more important questions that this prompts are, who in Government and which senior Met officers were aware or sanctioned the activities of this alleged ‘force within a force’? How many covert Met units exist that the public know nothing about and what is their function? Now fresh claims are emerging from McPherson Inquiry panel members, the Bishop of York John Sentamu and Dr Richard Stone they both believed they were also the targets of covert police surveillance, a simply devastating claim if true.
This fact may or may not matter a great deal one way or the other, however the larger and more important questions that this prompts are, who in Government and which senior Met officers were aware or sanctioned the activities of this alleged ‘force within a force’? How many covert Met units exist that the public know nothing about and what is their function? Now fresh claims are emerging from McPherson Inquiry panel members, the Bishop of York John Sentamu and Dr Richard Stone they both believed they were also the targets of covert police surveillance, a simply devastating claim if true.
SDS was a
secret-police unit that employed undercover officers and registered informants
to spy on campaign leaders or so called ‘radicals’. Such units have a history
of employing agent provocateurs to incite campaigning groups to engage in
criminal acts where upon they are usually arrested. Secret police have a history
of opening mails, hacking telephone conversations and email; breaking into
homes and offices, conducting covert surveillance, usually operate outside the
rule of law.
In 2009
another such unit was set up, the Confidential
Intelligence Unit (CIU) which has the power to operate across the UK
and mounts surveillance and run informers on ‘domestic extremists’. Its
main job seems to be to build up a detailed picture of so
called ‘radical campaigners’. The new and damaging allegation that
the SDS was tasked to ‘dig dirt’ on the Lawrence’s is beyond the pale and has
left most right thinking people sick to their core.

How a family who lost their son in a bloody and vicious racist gang murder, can be seen by the MPS as the ‘ enemy’ is testimony to the powerful culture of institutionalised racism that exited then and I believe still exists within the MPS.

none of the information about the activities of the SDS squad was presented to
the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry conducted by Sir William McPherson. The decision
to withhold this information from the Inquiry must have been taken at the very
highest level in both the Met police and Government. These implications of this
decision to subvert the process of a public inquiry are simply staggering.
That critical
evidence was withheld that could have supported and illuminated the Lawrence’s
search for the truth in discovering the detail of the Mets appalling
mishandling of the investigation into the racist murder of their son, is nothing short of scandalous.
Such corruption cuts right to the heart of the notion of the democratic and
public accountability of the Metropolitan Police Service. The popular charge is
that the police are ‘a law to themselves’ a charge so serious in its import
that it cannot be relegated to some desktop internal investigation.
It is alleged
that the SDS targeted all those organisations that supported the Stephen
Lawrence campaign, organisations such as the National Black Caucus, the Anti Racist
Alliance, the Brian Douglas Justice Campaign and Newham Monitoring Project cam
in for special attention.
These are
incredibly serious charges. In addition to seeking to smear the Lawrence family
and their supporters, there was it seems to a determined attempt by the MPS to
falsely jail and undermine Duwayne Brookes that may have led directly to the
eventual collapse of the first prosecution of Stephens’s killers.

Both Neville
and Doreen Lawrence have rightly demanded a public inquiry and you can support
that demand by singing this e-petition calling on the Prime Minister agree to a
full independent judicial led inquiry
here Nearly 100,000 people have signed so far.
The Home
Secretary Theresa May
has told Doreen that ‘ all options are open’. We should make it
absolutely clear to this Government that there is only one credible option that
is acceptable to the British public and that is a judge led independent
Over the last few days we have seen referrals to the Independent Police Commission from Greater Manchester and West Yorkshire Police.

Sir Norman Bettison
former Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police, already on the rack for his part in the Hillsborough disaster is now accused of seeking to influence witnesses appearing before the Mcpherson inquiry in Bradford. The evidence seems to be that there was a national effort by British Police to undermine the McPherson inquiry. That suggests that such an effort had to have political support at the very highest level
Over the last few days we have seen referrals to the Independent Police Commission from Greater Manchester and West Yorkshire Police.

Sir Norman Bettison
former Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police, already on the rack for his part in the Hillsborough disaster is now accused of seeking to influence witnesses appearing before the Mcpherson inquiry in Bradford. The evidence seems to be that there was a national effort by British Police to undermine the McPherson inquiry. That suggests that such an effort had to have political support at the very highest level
We cannot
allow the Government any political space to evade that most obvious of
conclusions. There can be no retreat form this basic demand to ensure that the
Lawrence family finally are told the whole truth and nothing but the truth. This
requires total disclosure by the MPS.
Of course,
over the course of the next few days, we will hear from senior police
officers and Government politicians who, given the scale of the allegations are
unable to do anything other than promise a ‘inquiry’ of some sort but who are
fighting shy of a full judicial public inquiry.

Within two
days his position had hardened, no doubt as a consequence of further
discussions among his Senior Command Team and the Mayor of London who privately
see another public Inquiry
as an
Hogan Howe
expressed his opposition to the Greater London
Authority Police and Crime Committee where he expressed ‘ full
confidence’ in the internal inquiry process.
resistance to a public judge led inquiry in large part relates to an almost
ideological hatred of both the senior ranks of the Metropolitan Police Service
and leading Conservatives, like Boris Johnson and Theresa May of all things Mcpherson.
Race equality
has fallen completely off the political Governments agenda largely because of
the overriding Coalition Government political preference to close down and
minimise all meaningful discussion and effective action on the issues of racism
and race equality.

So I predict
that there will be massive political resistance, behind closed doors by
Government, the Mayor of London, the Metropolitan Police Service to granting
the Lawrence’s another public inquiry.
They will, as
politics and good manners dictate, remain at least publically sympathetic
simply to the Lawrence demands. This is because they have no real choice; the
Lawrence’s have both moral authority and public support.
they will seek to convince both the Lawrence’s and the general public that such
a public inquiry is an unnecessary, expensive and lengthy process. They will
argue that the internal inquiries could be ‘ beefed up” to provide some
elements of public inquiry and be no less exacting a search for the truth.
They will
question the wisdom of an inquiry citing issues such as, costs, effectiveness,
timeliness and the length of time an inquiry will take. All will utilised
to seek to undermine the central demand for a public inquiry.
Let me make
clear from my perspective and on behalf of those organisations that may have
been subjected to covert police surveillance. Only a full public judicial
inquiry will satisfy the need to bring final closure to the Lawrence family.
This is
important because the Lawrence family need final closure on all the
circumstances surrounding the failed initial investigation by the MPS into
Stephens’s murder. These recent allegations are cruel and vile punishments for
the family. They have become repeat victims of institutional racism and the
complete inability of the MPS to disclose tells the truth.
continued new revelation is yet another grievous assault on them. The pain
etched into the faces of Doreen and Neville Lawrence is heartbreaking. On each
occasion, over the last 20 years, just when they believed that they knew
everything they needed to know, they are subjected to yet more revelations that
deepen and aggravate their pain.
A full
judicial public Inquiry is what they deserve, what they need psychologically,
emotionally and in accordance with the rules of natural justice, to finally put
these matters to rest. Politicians and the Commissioner should be warned,
those who are seen to be refusing the justice the Lawrence's and their
supporters demand by way of a judicial public inquiry will not be forgiven by
the mass of the people and will be held to account.
Such an
inquiry will also allow for the full exploration of all the allegations that “
black campaign groups ‘ were targeted and deal with the complex ethical and
legal issues that arise in the course of any inquiry into these issues.
Such an inquiry must have the absolute judicial power to summons individuals
and all the necessary evidence required in a open public forum.
The facts for
a judicial public inquiry are compelling. What we now know is the Met had a
covert unit that was off the radar, uncountable and operating in secret
according to its own rules.
I believe
that this unit operated with the full knowledge and agreement of the then Met
Police Commissioner Sir Paul Condon who has real form in this area . It is
inconceivable in my experience that the Sir Paul Condon did not know about the
activities of his officers in dealing with the most explosive racial murder
seen in decades. Why do I think that?
There will
also be questions for the former Director of the Mets Racial and Violent Crime
Task Force John Grieve. We know that the suspect’s family home was covertly
bugged. We know that Duwayne Brooks meetings between his solicitor and Met
detectives were bugged and secretly recorded did John Grieve authorise this?
Were the
Lawrence’s meetings with the Met or Government bugged? Were their home, offices
or telephone conversations bugged? Were supporters of the family such as
myself in addition to many others the target of such surveillance? Was the
Justice for Brian Douglas Family Campaign similarly spied upon? How many of the
Black Justice campaigns of the day were covertly monitored?
Met Senior
Officer John Grieve has to answer as to what he knew and whether he personally
authorised any covert surveillance.

According to
the allegations made in the Guardian

The job of
the SDS unit,
a force within a force, was to disrupt, undermine and where possible
uncover information on the Lawrence’s or their supporters that could used
against us in any way.
As one of
Britain’s most controversial Black activists I have always believed that the
organisations I have had the honour of working with, have been the subject to
covert police or state surveillance.
This sort of
attention goes along with the territory when one is constantly challenging the
failure of successive governments to tackle institutional racism in general and
British police in particular.
The National
Black Caucus was the most radical Black organisation of the 1980’s and 1990’s.
Created after the uprising of 1986 the NBC became the most vocal and largest
Black organisations in the UK. At its high point we were holding three-day
residential black power conferences of over 1500 African, Asian and Caribbean
Based on the
principle of black self-organisation the NBC set the standard for national
community activism. We wanted to avoid the staid and restrictive constitutional
rigour mortis that beset most organisations of the times that often led
fractious elections seeking to secure position and control and ultimately
organisational paralysis.
Learning from
the US we determined we were a action network and did not need to have a
constitution or elected leadership. The only way you could become a
leading member of the NBC is by doing the work.
We also
removed one of the other major issues of contention among black organisations
that of finance and money. We decided that under no circumstances would we
accept any Government money.
In many ways
we were one the early precursors of the Occupy movements. We were simply a flat
structure with no formal leadership, no address, no bank account, no
membership, and no head office.
structure was adopted for two main reasons: one was that as radicals we saw
what happened both in the US and in the UK where black organisations who aped
white organisational structure were brought low by internal disputes; second
organisations such as ours were often targeted by state agencies and the police
whose infiltration and disruption tactics either focused on money, crime and
We knew that
in order to be true to our cause we needed to learn the lessons of the past and
avoid some of the bear traps set out for radical black campaigning
In 1993 the
NBC was one of the major organisations that were supporting the Lawrence’s at
the time of Stephens’s murder and as the London regional rep I was the key
contact point between the NBC and the Lawrence family.

Peter Francis
has now confirmed that all these organisations were included on a list of so
called ‘ extremist’ organisations that the police were desperate to infiltrate
and undermine.
attempts by the Metropolitan Police Service to criminalise lawful justice
campaigns sprang from the tactics first employed in Northern Ireland and then
the Miners Strike. Both were heavily borrowed from the American FBI’s Cointellpro
1960’s strategy of infiltration and disruption of the civil rights movement and
the Black Power movement.
On reflection
I can recall that during the mid 1990’s I was the victim of a serious
assault. Despite serious injury I ended up being charged by the MPS. This
represented what I believe was a covert attempt to influence the judicial
process to ensure that I was jailed as soon as possible. This was confirmed
when although the jury unanimously acquitted me of all charges, the sitting
Judge publically condemned me, spoke of the lengthy sentence he would have
given me had I been found guilty and demanded that even though I was found not
guilty, that I accept a ‘bind over’ and be held in the court cells until I
agreed. I then began to realise that the MPS and the State were, in fact really
out to get me.
Trade unions.
faith groups and community organisations must now bring maximise public
pressure to bear, to ensure both the Home Secretary and Prime Minister David
Cameron have no choice but to concede to our demands.
Those in
power should under no illusion that level of anger that these revelations have
provoked. Black Londoners have virtually no trust or confidence in the Met our
relationship is the worst it’s been for 30 years. Nothing other than a full
judicial public inquiry will suffice.
Lawrence’s have been forced to revisit the murder of their son after being
reassured by the MPS that all the information in their possession was presented
in full to the Mcpherson inquiry.
That was a
lie and someone high up in the Met or Government ordered that this information
be withheld from the inquiry.
To what
extent can the public now hove confidences that other public inquiries have not
been similarly compromised? One cannot overstate the serious implications if
these allegations are proved to be true and worryingly they have the ring of
truth about them. There are very many vested interests who must share a
consensus that under no circumstances must there be a public inquiry.
For the
Lawrence’s the pain of this current revelation can be seen deeply etched,
carved into every line and crevices on their faces. Having spent years
campaigning for justice the thought of the Lawrence being forced to campaign
again to secure a public inquiry is completely unacceptable. If they are forced
to do so by this Government this would represent the most grievous insult to
them and the wider community. They are tired, they are emotionally exhausted
and they deserve opaque transparency and full disclosure of all the facts.
They have
campaigned enough over the last 20 years and it would be an outrage if they was
forced to do so again now. Politicians should take note
Those of us
who were identified as ‘ extremists’ and targeted by this unit or indeed any
other Met unit need to know the full extent of that effort and need sight of
all of our personal files. What role did successive Governments play in
sanctioning the activities in the SDS?
Both the
Lawrence’s and supporters deserve nothing less than the complete disclosure and
accountability that a judicial inquiry provides.
The Mayor of
London Boris Johnson and the MPS Commissioner Bernard Hogan Howe must now
accept that among London’s black communities the reputation of the Metropolitan
Police Service is shattered and broken.
He must
accept that our relationship is now toxic and is heading for radioactive
meltdown. He, the Commissioner and the Home Secretary must accept that if this
situation is not to explode in a nuclear reaction urgent action is needed. I
believe that the failure to agree do the right thing will have dire
A judicial
led public inquiry is the only hope for some further closure for the Lawrence’s
and ironically represents the only hope for London and the country.