Sunday 27 January 2019

Britain to introduce martial law in the event of no deal Brexit.


So when I say British black people better organise ourselves quickly, I mean just that.

I have a speech I give where I talk about those people who are asleep, lulled by combination of ego and consumerism, soothed by the flawless execution of their privileged lives, the few who walk on by, the misery of the many. In this speech I said...”In the late 1920’s in Berlin, the leading Jewish organisations issued a public statement stating, that the city was the least anti-Semitic city in Europe, and that all Jews will would be welcome in the city. In less than five years that city became a holocaust city.’ 

As Bob Marley sang “When you think it’s peace and safety, sudden destruction.”

As a British Black activist warning of a worsening situation, a prophetic tradition I seem to have been blessed or cursed with my whole life, the ability to see where we’re heading, I often recount the old testimony story of Noah. I sometimes feel I’m building an escape Ark, right in the middle of the country, thousands of miles from the sea, on top of the highest hill, during a heat wave. 

Everyday people walk past, look up, point and say “ Who is that damn crazy negro trying to build a ship, on the highest hill in the land, during a heat wave, in the middle of a city thousands of miles away from the sea? 

Over the last 40 years, I’ve been told by many of the black bouji ‘Lee, you’re just too extreme, racism ain’t that bad, you’re just attention seeking. Things are not as bad as you say, and we’re making good progress in this country.” 

In fact, I’d go as far to say, that some positively thrived of my militancy, and used it quite great effect. 

I’d often hear stories of white politicians being told, “Don’t pay no never mind to Jasper, he’s an extremist. Just deal with me neatly and sweetly, and we can marginalise his extremism. You do know he hates white people right ?” 

So I’ve played the barbarian at the gate for these people. 

And now with #Brexit looming, poverty and violence, ripping thorough our community, the return of oppressive policing, apartheid disproportionately in criminal justice sentencing, huge rates of exclusions from school and the rise in racist attacks, we see the partial fulfilment of my scorned predictions. 

Now there is a real prospect of a No Deal #Brexit and today this Government is planning martial law in the event of catastrophic breakdown, if we crash out of the EU. 

Trust me, we’re going to have to prepare emergency response teams to respond if this happens. When a racist country, introduces martial law, this quickly becomes, state fascism. Unrestrained politicians, a hysterical media, armed police and the army on our streets, in addition to extreme, violent, right wing, fascist movements, will require us to defend ourselves and our communities in away we’ve never conceived of previously. 

Under a no deal, martial law scenario, British racism will undoubtedly mature into lethal fascism. 

I’m still on the hill, ringing the alarm, pointing to our potential catastrophic future. 

Pre[are yourselves, it’s coming…