Friday 23 November 2012

Elect Respect, Elect Lee Jasper: 1, 2, 3!

Elect Respect Lee Jasper Part 1

 Lee Jasper decided to stand for Election in the Borough of Croydon North on 3rd November 2012. The Respect Party launch, was held at Crystals Night Spot, South Norwood, November 11th, and was attended by George Galloway, English Frank and Vas Blackwood.

Elect Respect Part 2

Lee Jasper decided to stand for Election in the Borough of Croydon North on 3rd November 2012. The Respect Party launch, was held at Crystals Night Spot, South Norwood, November 11th, and was attended by George Galloway, English Frank, Vas Blackwood.

Elect Respect Part 3 - Policy