Black British citizens are being deliberately targeted
in an ongoing and unprecedented campaign of criminalisation.
This strategy is carried out by British Police officers under the pretext of policing drug crimes and then executed on the streets by abusing their powers of Stop and Search. They unfairly target black youth, sucking them en masse, into a system of criminal justice that routinely discriminates against black people on a industrial scale.
This consequence of this silent, stealth like war against
British black communities can be seen on our streets every single day. Stand
for long enough on any British street in any reasonably diverse British city
and you will see Police officers relentlessly stopping black people.

The Mets main operational policing focus
is to target black youth in a London wide Stop and Search dragnet that captures
and feeds huge numbers of young people into a criminal justice system that punishes them again and again, simply for having the audacity of being Black and
The issue
raised here, of course applies to all black communities right across the country, however the
vast bulk of the problem resides in our capital city. The Metropolitan Police
Service undertakes over 42% of all Stop and Searches conducted in England and
Whether in London, Birmingham or Manchester, Black
communities are witnessing the return of the era of mass criminalisation, last seen in the dark days of the SUS law.

The resultant culture’s of fear, oppression, unfairness and
injustice can be detected in Government policies and the hugely disproportionate outcomes experienced by Black
people and ethnic minorities,.
This is particularly true in the arena of law and
order. This has long been a historical problem for our community however in the context of increasing austerity we have seen massive rises in the numbers of black people arrested and charged with criminal offences. The onset on privatisation of large parts of the criminal justice system has allowed the profit motive to dominate to such an extent, as is the case in the United states, that we are now seen as nothing more than ‘commodities’, the raw material needed to meet crime targets and fill jails.
Just like Slave plantations of old we now provide a growing
prison based economy with the fuel it needs to generate massive profits in the increasingly lucrative private
public sector prison industries.
The main conveyor belt into the criminal justice system for the majority of our people is Stop and Search. The overwhelming focus of Policing on poor black communities sows a bitter harvest for us however such racism reaps it own reward for the Police, politicians and criminal justice practitioners.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission and Her Majesties Inspectorate of Constabularies have both highlighted serious concerns re the Police use of Stop and Searches powers.
These appalling abuse of this invasive power has led to the collapse of Black and ethnic minority trust and confidence in the Police and was cited as one of the reasons for the 2011 August disturbances after the Metropolitan Police killing of Mark Duggan.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission and Her Majesties Inspectorate of Constabularies have both highlighted serious concerns re the Police use of Stop and Searches powers.
These appalling abuse of this invasive power has led to the collapse of Black and ethnic minority trust and confidence in the Police and was cited as one of the reasons for the 2011 August disturbances after the Metropolitan Police killing of Mark Duggan.
Since 2008 Stop and Search has increased in London by
200,000 the majority of this targeted at Black and Asian particularly Muslims.
Such is the scale of this increase over the last five years that is my simple contention that we have now reached the maximum pain threshold we can endure in relation to oppressive Policing and injustice
Such is the scale of this increase over the last five years that is my simple contention that we have now reached the maximum pain threshold we can endure in relation to oppressive Policing and injustice
I have written previously on the dangerously low level's of trust between Black communities and the Police. What these figures tell us is that the current the level of trust and
confidence between the Police and Black
communities is at the lowest level ever recorded.
The sheer scale of criminalisation we are currently
experiencing is further evidenced in a number of important reports I would urge
you to read.
One is a report by Release Drugs Charity entitled: The
Numbers in Black and White: Disparities in the Policing and Prosecution of Drug
Offences in England and Wales.
This report
demonstrates that the policing and prosecutions of drug possession offences in
England and Wales are unfairly targeting Black people.
The report looks how
racism influences Stops and Search, arrests, prosecution and sentencing rates.
It concludes that the UK drug laws are the major driver for the gross racial
disproportionally that exists in our criminal justice system.
Put simply the report
shows the forces such as the Metropolitan Police uses Stop and Search to unfairly
target black people, who are twice as likely (50%) than white people to be charged with possession of Cannabis as opposed to being
cautioned. That is bad enough but it gets worse.

For drug offences the majority of white people receive cautions
rather than being sent to court. For Black people the reverse is true. That is the real nature of institutional racism in Britain.
And all this despite the fact that Black people being less likely to use drugs than whites. The disparity is startling.
And all this despite the fact that Black people being less likely to use drugs than whites. The disparity is startling.
In the last five years literally hundreds of
thousands of black people have been unnecessarily stopped and searched. Many are then arrested, charged sent to
court for minor drug offences in stark contrast to their white counterparts who
are much more likely to be arrested and cautioned i.e. not sent to court. So over time, we can see how this process of criminalisation works and poisoning the future of our young people and destroying lives.
And that's only what we know about from the Government data they provide. I suspect that the reality is, that the majority of
Stop and Searches are not recorded.
Home Office research on the recording of Stop & search concluded that;
Home Office research on the recording of Stop & search concluded that;
“…that only about one-third of stop and search encounters were
Her Majesties Inspectorate of Constabulary recently
published a report on the use of Stop and
They asked the public what they thought about the
Police use of the power
“ Interestingly, a quarter of respondents
believed that certain groups of people in society are likely to be stopped and
searched more often than others, with a third attributing this to unlawful
discrimination (this figure increased to around 55% among black and minority ethnic respondents)”
After inspecting forces Stop and Search data they
“An alarming 27%
(2,338) of stop and search records examined by HMIC did not contain
reasonable grounds to search people, even though many of these records had been
endorsed by supervisors. They were not fulfilling their duties according to the
code of practice.”
In relation to the veracity of the data provided by
the Police they concluded,
“ We were not able to assess the true level of
under-recording, as the carrying out of a stop and search is, in the vast
majority of occasions, known only to the searcher and the searched."
Another recent publication by the Ministry of Justice
on Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System 2012
This report demonstrates that nationally the use of
Stop and Search has increased by 7% since 2010.
To give you a sense of the sheer scale of the hidden process
of criminalisation of our community here are some truly frightening numbers.
Since 2008 a massive 814,000 Black people have been subjected to this dragnet power, 523,000 Asians and 158,000 people of mixed heritage. That is a staggering 1.5m Black and ethnic minority peoples
have been subjected to the use of this power.
The arrest rate during that time has fluctuated but
on average has remained at around 10%. The remaining 90% though released by the
Police will be subjected to on going repeated Stop and Searches.
The most cited reason for use of the power recorded by
Police officers is drugs. The “war
against drugs” as the Release report demonstrates is a proxy for a war against black people.
Another recent Ministry of Justice report published
very quietly, contains a killer fact that hits the nail on the proverbial head and clearly
demonstrates what happens to Black people when they end up in British courts.
They found that British judges and magistrates are
consistently handing out lenient sentences to white offenders and routinely
handing out heavier sentences to Black and Asian people.
This disgusting reality demonstrates the collusion of
racist policing and a racist justice system where black communities are forced to witnessed our young people being routinely and unfairly criminalized as
offenders, unfairly sentenced if found guilty, then thrown into jail for longer than their white counterparts committing similar crimes.
This reports shows that Black and Asian defendants are almost 20 per cent more likely to be sent to
jail than those who are white. This despite the fact that white defendants committed more crime and have much longer criminal records.
“Disturbingly, in every year
studied, a higher proportion of white defendants had previous convictions –
which would normally result in a greater number of prosecutions and harsher
sentences. But this does not appear to be the case.
The proportion of white criminals sentenced to immediate
custody by the courts was 26 per cent while the proportion of black criminals
sent to prison was 31 per cent and Asians 32 per cent. The average custodial
sentence for white offenders was 15.9 months; for black prisoners it was 23.4
These reports provide hard unequivocal evidence and data about the
undeniable racism, injustice and injury suffered by British black communities
at the hands of both the Police and the Courts.
As a the first Black Policing Director for London, a
former member of the London Criminal Justice Board and as someone who has spent
the majority of my life campaigning against the racism of the British criminal
justice system in an attempt to improve black community police relations, I
speak with an insight, credibility and authority few can offer.
A largely white dominated media and political Westminster
elite class will ignore this article dismissing its importance as representing
nothing more than a fringe extremist voice seeking to prosecute a political
They, alongside some black professionals, will no
doubt hope that the issues I ventilate here are nothing more than the vain and
hysterical imaginings of a black activist with a huge chip on his shoulder.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
In truth I despair for the future of our young black
people in the UK and cannot stand idly by whilst the historical waxes and wanes
of racism throughout the ages, now resurgent, reach a full flood. The truth, however unpalatable for some, is that these authoritive
reports speak for themselves.
At this point I should issue a serious public health
warning. These reports rely on both the Government and the Police providing the raw data. I don't trust that data and believe the reality of racism in the
arena of criminal justice is in fact likely to be much worse than that outlined
in these critical reports.
This is backed up by other evidence, As an activist I
am constantly approached by people needing support after suffering what they
believe to be unjust and racist treatment from police officers and the courts.
I am currently inundated with complaints to the point
that I am personally overwhelmed, unable to help the vast majority of those who request help.
The people who are contacting me on a daily basis are Black women terrified for their sons and daughters. On the one hand there is the ever-present threat of serious youth violence and sexual criminality, but when it comes to their sons they are really petrified by the Police.
It’s the increasing frequency of these tragic realities that prove what the figures are telling us. Im of the strong view that institutional racism in terms of general society and in particular in the areas of law and order, have over the last five years been given a green light by politicians like David Cameron and Boris Johnson who reject accusations of institutional racism and have engaged in scorched earth policy in relation to British race equality policies. As a result institutional racism in Britain is resurgent, rampant and out of control.
The people who are contacting me on a daily basis are Black women terrified for their sons and daughters. On the one hand there is the ever-present threat of serious youth violence and sexual criminality, but when it comes to their sons they are really petrified by the Police.
It’s the increasing frequency of these tragic realities that prove what the figures are telling us. Im of the strong view that institutional racism in terms of general society and in particular in the areas of law and order, have over the last five years been given a green light by politicians like David Cameron and Boris Johnson who reject accusations of institutional racism and have engaged in scorched earth policy in relation to British race equality policies. As a result institutional racism in Britain is resurgent, rampant and out of control.
When it comes to detecting changes in the level of
racism Black women are the akin to the Canary in the coalmine. They, along with
children are usually first to feel the pain. I have not known an outpouring of
anger and despair, such as this, since the mid 70’s.
I genuinely believe and studies I think confirm, that
relations between Black communities and the Police are the worst they’ve ever
been, particularly in London.
These relations have regressed back to the hate
fuelled ‘war footing’ last seen in the late 70’s early 80’s.
The majority victims of this profoundly unjust war of
oppression are our own young people, left largely undefended from the
overwhelming, combined forces of racial social and economic injustice, reigned
against them. It is our moral duty to defend them at all costs.
These are strong words for the delicate English
palate of politicians, professionals and the liberal media. No doubt there will be some black professionals who also find these comments deeply disturbing.
Some will, no doubt seek to reject my analysis as
nothing more than an ill-considered, intemperate rant.
But there will be others, the silent majority of our
communities who suffer in silence, ordinary hard working, everyday black people
whose voices are rarely heard in the soft temperate polite circles of Westminster that will
read this and cheer to the rafters.
Over the last five years institutional racism has returned with a determined
and deadly vengeance threatening to eviscerate our rights to a future free of
As a direct consequence of the relentless ideological political
attack on all things anti racist, multiculturalism and immigrant communities by this Tory led Government, we are witnessing
a return of a racism, many thought had been defeated in the wake of the
publication of the seminal McPherson report.
How wrong we were.
I believe that Black people are now seen by some as nothing more than a dehumanised commodity. Racism is a function of the economy and wherever racism thrives, someone somewhere is making money.
The more the Police meet their crime targets by criminalizing black people, the more they’re jobs and promotions are assured. The more successful criminal prosecutions, the more the lawyers on both sides are paid, the more convictions are secured the more prisons we need to build and the longer we are kept in jail the more prison officers are needed. Finally the more of us that are criminalised the more we remain weak, undermined and oppressed,
I believe that Black people are now seen by some as nothing more than a dehumanised commodity. Racism is a function of the economy and wherever racism thrives, someone somewhere is making money.
The more the Police meet their crime targets by criminalizing black people, the more they’re jobs and promotions are assured. The more successful criminal prosecutions, the more the lawyers on both sides are paid, the more convictions are secured the more prisons we need to build and the longer we are kept in jail the more prison officers are needed. Finally the more of us that are criminalised the more we remain weak, undermined and oppressed,
When we go to jail everybody gets paid. Thats the indisputable fact, in the US they
have a term to describe this reality, the Prison
Industrial Complex.
So having won what we thought was a great victory
against racism at the 1999 Lawrence Inquiry, we have seen our every advance, all
our policy initiatives shelved, Black political organisations undermined.
We have witnessed Black voluntary sector forums and projects destroyed by a Tory led government, that holds an ideological hatred of anti racism, multiculturalism and progressive equality policy and reserves a very special hatred for all things Lord McPherson.
We have witnessed Black voluntary sector forums and projects destroyed by a Tory led government, that holds an ideological hatred of anti racism, multiculturalism and progressive equality policy and reserves a very special hatred for all things Lord McPherson.
In the tragic, shattered debris of the political
infrastructure of the McPherson Inquiry report and recommendations into the
murder of Stephen Lawrence, we see the toxic poison of institutional racism return
with unremitting force.
We all know that when you seek to combat any dangerous infection, the
rule is, if you don’t take the full course of proscribed antibiotics, then it’s
likely the infection will return stronger and more virulent than when first contracted.
Britain Police forces having been deeply infected by the
virus of intuitional racism and having failed, as a consequence of political interference,
to ingest the full course of anti racist medication have seen institutional
racism return, more powerful, more rampant and more toxic than ever.
One of the key benefits of the McPherson Report was that
it provided an opportunity for progressive police officers and activists from
Black communities to negotiate what I have called the Post McPherson Settlement that ended the national boycott of Police engagement and the monitorium on Black people joining the Police
The deal was clear and simple.
The Metropolitan Police accepted the need to rout out
institutional racism and working in partnership tackle racism the the ranks, the scourge of racist
attacks, the abuse of Stop and Search and suspicious deaths in Police custody.
We would work with the police to tackle violent crime in the Black community. This formed the basis for the formation of Metropolitan Police’s Operation Trident; a community led policing operation that attracted worldwide recognition and plaudits.
We would work with the police to tackle violent crime in the Black community. This formed the basis for the formation of Metropolitan Police’s Operation Trident; a community led policing operation that attracted worldwide recognition and plaudits.
Today Trident is a joke, having been politically
hijacked by Boris Johnson and the supine Commissioner Bernard Hogan Howe.
Instead of improving trust and confidence around tackling serious gun killings
in London.
Trident is now London’s anti gang command. and under Boris Johnson we have seen massive rises in Stop and Search and the use of the discredited law of Joint Enterprise, the use of supergrass evidence, failure to maintain improvements in the Witness Protection programme and the shooting of Duggan have all conspired to seal its fate.
Trident is now London’s anti gang command. and under Boris Johnson we have seen massive rises in Stop and Search and the use of the discredited law of Joint Enterprise, the use of supergrass evidence, failure to maintain improvements in the Witness Protection programme and the shooting of Duggan have all conspired to seal its fate.
Today, Trident, the Police and politician’s reputations are
shattered and destroyed and Trident and the Metropolitan Police stand in the dock
for the shooting of Mark Duggan.
What do we do now?
What do we do now?
What is required now is to get these important facts
out into the wider community. That can only happen with your support and you
can do this by posting, tweeting and sharing this article everywhere. Most people are not fully aware of the massive increases the rate of criminalisation of our community that have taken place of late. We need to ensure that these facts are more widely known and mobilise ourselves to challenge a racism that is destroying the future of our community.
Do not
underestimate the extent to which this view will be summarily discounted and
real attempts to marginalise its conclusions. I can only rely on you to help
get the news out and help make this article go viral.
So concerned about this issue that I will accept
invitations to speak on these issues to communities and events nationwide. It is vital that local
communities begin organising public meetings to inform and mobiles to challenge the Government's refusal to tackle these fundamental
human rights abuses.
Next we need a national meeting of concerned
organisations that can reach a consensus on how we can place these issues on
the desk of David Cameron, on the front pages of our newspapers and lead item
on our broadcast news. We need a coordinated response from our community to
stem this determined effort to criminalise an entire community.
That’s why I have organised an urgent meeting to take
place at Portcullis House Westminster, London Weds 11th December 6 - 8pm 19 Committee
Room 19. Nearest Tube Westminster.
If you’re interested in coming along RSVP me
If you’re interested in coming along RSVP me
I will also be discussing this as my lead topic on my
brand new breakfast radio show on Britain’s only licensed Black commercial
radio station Colourful Radio on Friday
29th November between 7am and 10am.
I would love to here your views on these issues .
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
To take part in this weeks show on Colourful Radio
You Can Call Me: 0800 999 8090
You Can Call Me: 0800 999 8090
Me: 80818 colourful
Me: @colourfulradio