I cannot express how delighted I am that my dear brother, and someone who I had the honour of recruiting into the struggle, Obv Simon Woolley has distinguished himself by remaining true to his principles and creating one of the most well-known and now best known institutions in our community OBV
To see him and his family recognised and to see his family provided with such a wonderful legacy brings joy to my heart. It is rare that we see real people being awarded these honours on this occasion I couldn't agree more with the decision of the Queen to recognise someone I've worked with, and come to admire over 30 years.
Well done Sir Simon Wooley I am inordinately proud of your achievements. Much love and respect....and for this you get a right royal. Lee Jasper, Kingly five star #BlackSalute ♥🖤💚
Cue Jamaican Air Horns and Confetti 💥💫 Brap brap !