Wednesday 4 December 2019

Tory policy changes to bail sees serious violence offenders free to roam our streets.

I accuse Boris Johnson’s Government of the most cynical and heinous betrayal of the people, letting serious criminals roam our streets with impunity. You may be one of the many people who perennially ask why is violence is rising in our communities? One of the reasons is that Tory’s policy of failing to place serious sex and violent offender suspects on restrictive bail conditions. 
BBC Newsnight investigation has uncovered that thousands of serious criminal offenders were simply left unsupervised after being accused of the most appalling and serious violent and sexual offences. 
This is horrendous and means that since 2017, at least 93,000 people who should have been either denied bail or been given bail with strict restrictions, were left to kill, maim and rape. 
How many lives could’ve been saved, how many traumas, tears, surgical operations, stress and death have we seen as a result of this catastrophic failure of this lying bastard of a Government? 
How many sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, friends, wives, husbands, lovers and neighbours did we lose? 
How many people today suffered the trauma of serious sexual or violent assaults were victimised as a direct result of this policy? 
This alone, when one thinks of the staggering consequences, should lose the #Tories the election. 
A bloody miasma trail of serious trauma, grief and lifetime of pain’ loss and disability leads straight to the door of No 10 Downing Street. 
The Rt. Hon. Priti Patel should resign with immediate effect. I’m hoping Jeremy Corbyn and Momentum will drive this home. 
The Tories flooded our streets with unsupervised serious criminals for at least the last two years, if not more, given the similar a day utterly disastrous consequences of the probation service privatisation. 
I believe this has been going on for much longer than two years. I have long suspected the privatisation of Probation Services has also had the same effect, dangerous criminals left to roam the streets. 
Is it any wonder our communities feel like the Wild West at times? 93,000 at the last count? 
Imagine, the poorest communities were abandoned to suspected serious sex and violent offenders, as a result of a policy whose primary effect was to unleash hell onto our streets. 
Badman left to roam and marauding our communities at will. Is it any wonder why so few people have any confidence in policing and criminal justice when dangerous criminals reported to the police are simply released back into our communities? 
This policy equates to politically motivated, state-sanctioned, corporate manslaughter, a deliberate policy that saw rape, violence and murder rise in our communities. 
This policy was a violent criminals charter. 

It had the material effect of flooding our streets with dangerous people who should have been denied bail or were either severely restricting their movements or heavily supervised.