I personally can see no way in which this government can survive this article and the responsibility the bear that the deaths of tens of thousands of people, however, unless there is a vote of no confidence in this government, I can see no way in which these grossly incompetent criminals can be removed, but removed they must be, for is the first duty of government to protect the people, there is no greater priority and on this single most important issue, this government has been found to be criminally responsible for the greatest loss of life ever experienced in British post-war political history.
As Black Asian and ethnic minority people of Britain see there communities disproportionately affected by the virus, so the brutal realities of structural racism are revealed. Less than three months ago we were low skilled workers, being wrongly denied citizenship and dragged kicking and screaming onto deportation planes. Today we are the Valiant heroes of the NHS selflessly sacrificing our lives for many people who voted to deport us and voted for a government that not only promised the most draconian immigration legislation ever seen in British political history, but also voted to deny doctors and nurses, social care workers, and other healthcare professionals the pay rise they so richly deserved.
From the healthcare sector to the transport sector we see our communities on the frontline of public services dying in disproportionate number to save so many people, some of which who undoubtedly voted for this government. There can be no greater selfless sacrificeI've long argued that politics is a life-and-death matter largely unsuccessfully it has to be said, and I've often been dismissed with the retort that whatever we do politically nothing ever changes, the system remains the same. This virus has demonstrated the dangerously irresponsible nature of that claim, and as we see how the nation is ill-prepared for what confronts it and what is yet to come. politics is what makes the difference between where we are and where Germany and South Korea are right now. Politics is why some people are a line, and some people are dead.This must be a tragic lifelong lesson, learned at enormous cost for the entire country and the country and entire world economies and politics can never ever be the same again. It's time for a brand-new politic, one that is intelligent, compassionate and visionary creating a society that values people over profits and is focused on saving the planet and investing in people.

Enough from me If you want to help construct the politics of the future then I'd be glad to hear from you.
I want to work with others in unprecedented ways, to make a difference. Reminded of the universal principle, that has never been more important, the more we are together the happier we will be.
Now do yourself a favour and read the article.