Monday, 29 July 2013
Monday, 8 July 2013
UK Black communities witness massive rises in unemployment. Coalition Governments austerity budgets are increasing racial disadvantage.
Black Activists Rising Against the Cuts (BARAC) have long predicted the disproportionate impact of public sector cuts on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) women. For the last four years we have been campaigning around the country highlighting the awful consequences of Government cuts on Black communities some of whom are the most deprived in the UK.
Black communities are are among some of the hardest hit by the Government’s programme of spending cuts according to a ground-breaking new report published today by the Centre for Human Rights in Practice at the University of Warwick, Coventry Women’s Voices, Coventry Ethnic Minority Action Partnership and Foleshill Women’s Training.
The ground breaking report entitled, Layers of inequality: a human rights and equality impact assessment of the cuts on BAME women in Coventry examine the impact of cuts BAME in a range of areas including employment, housing, welfare benefits, health, social care, education, legal aid, violence against women and voluntary organisations.
BARAC believes that these figures are reflective of the anecdotal evidence available to us from around the country, that confirms that the cuts to public sector and local authority budgets are having a hugely damaging effect on already deprived communities across the country.
In the UK, largely because of the racism in the employment practices in the private sector, black women are more likely to work in the public sector. They are largely located in the lower and junior administrative roles and its these post so have been disproportionately affected by job cuts and pay freezes.
The scale of the economic devastation is without precedent. At no point in modern British history have black communities faced such a high level of economic exclusion. This local study has found that Unemployment among BAME women in Coventry increased by 74.4% between 2009 and 2013. Unemployment among white British women increased by 30.5% during the same period. (1)
The consequences of the economic firestorm that is englufing our communities has seen Black youth employment rise to 56%. Government has been slow to provide up to date statistics in an easily digested form. We estimate that nationally black youth unemployment are now pushing 65% and rising, in some local ward this rises as high as 75-85%.
The awful reality is that this deeply damaging, hugely disproportionate economic pain is just the beginning.
With yet more swingeing cuts to local government budgets announced in the recent Spending Review will lead to further job cuts for BAME women. Welfare benefits cuts are yet another area where Black communities are being very badly impacted. The Coventry report identifies that " BAME women are much more likely to be poor and receive a higher proportion of their income from benefits and tax credits. Cuts to welfare benefits will cost all women in Coventry £76 million a year out of a total of £112 million(2). BAME women are among those hardest hit – the Government’s assessment of the benefits cap concluded that 40% of families affected would include someone who is BAME."
Lee Jasper Co Chair of BARAC responded,
" The majority of our communities are already living in islands of poverty, debt, deprivation surrounded by seas relative wealth and prosperity. Black communities have for many decades inhibited an economic twilight zone, where they suffered greater levels of unemployment, poverty, ill health, poor housing, worse schools alongside the resulting violent criminality. Black communities exist precariously on very edge of a deep economic abyss prior to the current economic crisis

The consequences of this precipitous economic decline will be catastrophic for black communities and the country at large. All of the social ills that affect our desperately poor communities will be grossly exacerbated, aggravated becoming toxic swamps of desperate poverty, tragic violence and deep despair.
Black communities nationally need to wake up to the danger they and their children now face before areas like Brixton turns into the Bronx."
"Our report shows that BAME women are among the hardest hit by public spending cuts across many areas. Now the spending review is making a bad situation worse. BAME women will lose more jobs, more money and more services. This is a big issue for Coventry since a third of our population is BAME, but it will be the same for BAME women across the country. We did not cause this situation, but we are paying the price for it."
When Black women are hit hard the knock on effect is to undermine the whole family. With many black women bringing up children on their own we will see whole families being sucked into acute levels of poverty.
Local authorities are breaking the law by failing to conduct Equalities Impact Assessments in accordance with the Equality Act. Unfortunately the Equality and Human Rights Commission has become a toothless poodle and is refusing to use the courts to enforce the law. BARAC is of the view that if the EHRC is refusing to act then Trade Unions must legally challenge the obvious racial disproportionality of both local or public sector cuts. Failure to do so will be leave vulnerable communities subject to racism without any recourse to legal protection.
Dr James Harrison of the Centre for Human Rights in Practice and co-author, added:
"The combined impact of cuts to benefits and services will disproportionately affect many of the poorest and most vulnerable BAME women in Coventry. Public authorities both nationally and here in Coventry have legal obligations under the Equality Act and the Human Rights Act to promote equality and protect human rights. They need to take these obligations very seriously when making decisions about budget cuts."
Varinder Kaur from Coventry Ethnic Minority Action Partnership commented :
The announcement that job seekers must learn English in the spending review seems designed to demonise us. The problem is not that people refuse to learn English – the problem is that it is getting harder to get on an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) class. The Government seems to be deliberately creating the impression that the problem is about people who don’t speak English but claim benefits, even though they must know that the proportion of people who are claiming benefits and can’t speak English is miniscule, far smaller than the proportion of people who want to learn English but can’t get on a course.
Christine McNaught from Foleshill Women’s Training said:
At Foleshill Women’s Training we provide health and employment services to women in one of the poorest parts of Coventry. The women who use our centre are suffering increased poverty because of benefit cuts, longer waiting times for medical treatment and cuts to local services. And because our funding has fallen from £450k in 2010/11 to £190k in 2012/13 we have fewer resources to support them.
BARAC info@barac.gmail.com
Notes to editors:
A full copy of the report is available at: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/law/chrp/projects/humanrightsimpactassessments/women/
1. Source: Nomis (2013) Job Seekers Allowance Claimants data for Coventry by ethnicity, age, gender and duration February 2009 to February 2013,
2. Calculated based on the conclusion of work by the Fawcett Society that 68% of the cost of welfare reforms would hit by women. Fawcett Society (2012) “How have Coalition budgets affected women?” Cost of benefit cuts in Coventry based on Beatty, C. and Fothergill, S. (2013) “Hitting the Poorest Places Hardest: the local and national impact of welfare reform.” Sheffield Hallam University. See page 4 for a link to a spread-sheet showing cuts by local authority.
3. Source: Coventry rent market summary (2013).
The Centre for Human Rights in Practice provides a focus for academics, students, practitioners and activists who wish to advance the study and promotion of human rights at a local, national and international level. http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/law/chrp/
Coventry Women’s Voices works to ensure that women’s voices are heard in Coventry when policy is made.www.coventrywomensvoices.wordpress.com
Coventry Ethnic Minority Action Partnership works with people, organisations and agencies to improve the delivery of services to Ethnic Minority Communities in Coventry. www.cemap-coventry.org.uk
Foleshill Women’s Training are dedicated to helping all women in Coventry and the surrounding areas through social, health and economic programmes. http://www.fwt.org.uk/
Friday, 5 July 2013
BBC poll confirms worst fears: London’s Black communities no longer trust the Metropolitan Police

The BBC London poll suggested a quarter of all those surveyed believe the Met is still institutionally racist. This rises to and incredible 38% of black and minority ethnic people. A huge 25% also believed there was widespread police corruption. Nevertheless 85% of those polled said they trusted the Met overall.
These figures
confirm that the awful reality that we are witnessing the single worst period
in police and black relations in the last 30 years. I have repeatedly put that charge
to both Commissioner Hogan Howe and Mayor of London Boris Johnson over the last
three years. Both have routinely dismissed my claim as being ludicrous and
politically motivated. These figures confirm that relations today are in fact at
their lowest point in decades. Both men have determined that the Met is no longer
an ‘institutional racist’ organisation a statement so far removed from the
truth as to constitute a lie, given what we know such an assertion defies all logical understanding.
The dramatic and unprecedented finding of the public inquiry into the Met killing of Azelle Rodney that concluded the Met had 'no legal justification' for his shooting will seriously aggravate these already severely strained relations. If the police officer concerned is not prosecuted and there is every chance they wont, then we will enter Rodney King type territory.
The dramatic and unprecedented finding of the public inquiry into the Met killing of Azelle Rodney that concluded the Met had 'no legal justification' for his shooting will seriously aggravate these already severely strained relations. If the police officer concerned is not prosecuted and there is every chance they wont, then we will enter Rodney King type territory.
In looking at these
figures Londoners should be concerned, very concerned. It is precisely in this type
of febrile atmosphere that makes civil disorder more likely. In August
2011 London and other parts of the UK burned and riots erupted after the
shooting by police of Tottenham man Mark Duggan.
With relations so
shot to pieces, it really only takes one minor incident on the streets combined with
good weather and London could be burning again only this time, largely because of cuts
to the GLA budget ordered by Boris, there are lot less police officers and firefighters to deal
with any sustained disorder.
What these figures
tell us that London is a multicultural city where race equality has been
eviscerated from the Mayors list of political priorities. Johnson believes he
can simply charm his way to a safer city without seriously engaging with Black
communities. This is an error so fundamentally wrong and so catastrophic for
the city as to constitute a crime.
Good community police
relations take time to build and mature. They require constant care and
attention and the adoption of a strategic approach that builds and deepens community
partnerships in the fight against crime.
This must amount to more than simple rhetoric, a couple of jokes and few
Latin references. It requires that the Mayor acknowledges these pressing realities
and starts the long slow process of rebuilding trust and confidence with a
political focus that matches the scale of the problem. As these figures
demonstrate that problem is now of staggering proportions.
From 2000 – 2008 whilst
Director of Policing for London the levels of trust among London’s Black communities
increased year on year. That was a result of a determined policy of community
reassurance and engagement alongside a real priority to tackle institutional
racism within the Met. The result were spectacular, not only did trust and
confidence reach the highest levels ever among black communities, but for the
first time in the Mets history the majority of police officer applications came from Black communities.
We increased the number of Black officers by 100% in that period. We also ensured
that the Mets Senior Command Team looked more like London and that the maintenance
of community police relations was a number one priority. In terms of Mayoral
appointments to various London strategic boards and committees that are within
the gift of the Mayor, our equalities policies ensured that Black and ethnic minority
representation reached its highest level of any city anywhere in the UK.
The fight against
crime requires communities to enjoy good relations with our police officers
increasing the extent to which people feel comfortable and confident about reporting
crime.. The majority of crime is solved as a result of information and intelligence
received from the wider public. Crime will increase where confidence in policing remains so fragile. The failure of Boris Johnson and Hogan Howe to
recognise the political priority attached to race equality has cost Londoner
millions and tragically as we saw in August 2011 can have deeply tragic consequences.
The reality is that
the August 2011 riots could and should have been avoided, The failure was
largely a political one. Boris’s senior team has no one from London’s Black
communities to advise him and being an instinctive Tory is blindsided on the
issue of race and race equality. This is a costly and critical error. London is
one of the most diverse cities on the face of the planet and yet the senior
staff teams at both the Mayor’s Office and within the Met itself have seen a deterioration
of diverse representation. Black people are being airbrushed out of the
When Boris was
elected in 2008 the Greater London Authority and the Met Police were the most diverse
public sector organisation in the UK. In the senior positions London was the
most diverse it had been since the abolition of the Greater London Council.

Boris allowed Stop
and Search to get out of control, failed to spot growing tensions arising as a
result of the increase in the number of black men dying in suspicious circumstances
whilst in police custody. He failed to deliver his much vaunted but now
discredited Black Boys Mentoring Scheme, failed to maintain Black recruitment,
and promotion within the Met or his office.
He dismantled the
jewel in the MPS’s community police relations crown, Operation Trident that has now lost every last shred of its credibility as a
result of his instance that it be turned into a ‘ gang unit’. Boris abolished
the London Hate Crimes Forum and then saw both racial and religious attacks in
London increase as result. Against the backdrop of recent events in Woolwich we have seen increasing rates of Islamophobic attacks on Muslims particularly women.
Mosques and other religious buildings have become targets and the EDL is
seeking to ferment religious and racial conflict across London.
He has effectively
abolished the borough based Police Community Consultative Groups brought in under
Lord Scarman post the 1986 disturbances. These were designed to help maintain
and promote understanding, partnership and trust and confidence. Boroughs like Lambeth
for example are entirely reliant, for maintenance of good order on the local
PCCG, whose 30 year track record in acting as a pressure valve for local
policing concerns has been essential. You would have to be really stupid to do
away with these forums but that what Boris in his glorious wisdom has decided. Foolish
Part of the civic
culture of a multicultural city relies on ensuring that the diversity and
cultural dynamism of London is highlighted and promoted. This is necessary to build
cultural capital that can be utilised at time of crisis to maintain a sense of
collective citizenship and solidarity. The promotion of diverse cultures not
only educates but raises awareness of the reality of our global city and reinforces the city sense of itself. The
Mayor’s Office is critical to setting that tone however this Mayor has been distinctly
monocultural .
Boris cancelled Black History month and spent the money on America Day, cancelled the anti-racist Rise Festival and Africa Day. Cultural event such as these promote understanding and community cohesion.
Under Boris Black
Youth unemployment is at highest level in a generation and adult rates are
rising fast as a result of public sector redundancies and voluntary sector
project closures as a result of local authority cuts with consequent increases
in rates of child poverty in the capital
The brutal reality
is when one looks at these social and economic indicators London is quite
clearly a less tolerant city, less equal city under Boris Johnson than it was
under Ken Livingstone.
My guess is that most
white people in London have no idea of the reality of the nature of the Black or
Muslim lived experience in London or recognise situation. The political
disjuncture and chasm between the Tory Mayor, the Met Commissioner and London Black
and Muslim communities represents a critical fracture in London political landscape.
Like animals who can anticipate an earthquake before the first human feels a
single tremor so I give London fair warning of the ructions to come.
These failures must
now be seen as catastrophic errors of huge proportions .Political errors such
as these have a delayed effect that are not immediately discernable.
All of these types of
issues are slow burners, initially ignited by political ignorance or prejudice build up slowly but have an almost irreversible momentum. Once built up they
tend to take years to reverse. The portents for the future of the capital are
not good and I believe we will see even more civil disturbances in the medium term
as a direct result of the political failure of this egregious and affable Mayor.
Race equality in
London. is not then, some politically correct ideological project of the loony
left as so often portrayed by an irreverent Boris Johnson, but a solidly pragmatic,
hardnosed political reality, an essential political requirement in a hyper
diverse city such as London.
The Mayor of London
failure to grasp this reality, his failure to ensure his team has the credibility
and the skills to effectively represent all Londoners and his rude opposition
to tackling racism and ensuring real diversity in London senior appointments has been a disaster the consequences of which will plague the city for a decade or more.
These figures
indicate that a new approach to race equality in London is urgently needed
however Boris and the Commissioner are bereft of people who have the necessary experience
and credibility to begin the painstaking process of rebuilding trust and credibility
between London’s Black communities and the Met police. In the mean time I would
hope for the best and prepare for the worst it’s going to be one hell of bumpy
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